Friday, January 22, 2010

Peer Critique of Group Project One


Your peers will critique your group's document after your group's presentation.  I will collect the critiques.  Then, I will take the document home to evaluate it, and your group's grade will be the average score of all the critiques.  However, if the average is well above or below my score, I will raise or lower the grade accordingly, averaging your peers' mean score and my score. 


We will not meet at a Paris cafe where one can leave at any time; rather, we will meet at our allocated classroom where we will be working effectively together for the entire semester.  Therefore, courteous behavior will insure that the tone is hospitable for all people at all times.  Everyone needs to leave aggressive and sensitive egos at the door on the way into the classroom.  Do not speak while someone else is speaking.  Do not insist your opinion is the only correct one.  The presenters must remain silent and humble while the audience asks questions and/or articulates their evaluations.  Do not verbally attack another person. 


Name of evaluator:_______________________________________

Names of presenters:______________________________________

Title of document:________________________________________

On a scale from 0 (poor) to 5 (excellent), rate the following.
  1. Use of logical appeals _____
  2. Use of pathetic appeals _____
  3. Use of ethical appeals _____
  4. Quality of diction _____
  5. Use of white space_____
  6. Use of headings _____
  7. Lack of capital letters _____
  8. Lack of different fonts _____
  9. Justification _____
  10. Utilization of top left and bottom right quadrants _____
  11. Use of columns _____
  12. Use of highlights, decorations and colors _____
  13. Creativeness of product/service _____
  14. Do you want to purchase the product/service? _____