Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Peer Critique

I often have used the following worksheet as an in-class activity, for  students learn much about writing from their peers.


First, you must provide me with two copies of your essay the day it is due.  I will critique one copy.  I will give the other copy to a classmate and will give you a copy of his/her essay.  Second, read this handout entirely.  Third, read your classmate's essay--editing it in accordance with "Criteria for Evaluating Essays" but using proofreader's marks (refer to "Proofreader's Marks") only in the margins.  Do not attempt to correct any mistakes.  Fourth, write your responses to the essay on this handout, and, finally, articulate your reactions for no more than ten minutes in a brief conversation with the author.  Please give the essay and your critique to the author. 


Name of evaluator:_______________________________________

Name of writer(s):________________________________________

Title of work:____________________________________________
  1. Read the first paragraph.  Then, before you continue to read, write what you expect are the purpose, audience and topic.
  2. Continue to read the essay.  Did the author fulfill your expectations?  If not, what do you think the purpose, audience and topic are?
  3. Summarize the essay, devoting at least one sentence to each paragraph.
  4. What do you think is the central idea, or working thesis, of the essay?
  5. Do you agree or disagree with the author's working thesis and why?
  6. What kinds of evidence (details, facts, examples, narratives, analogies) does the author use to develop or support his/her central idea?  Is the evidence appropriate?  Is there sufficient evidence?  If not, what kinds of evidence should the writer consider?
  7. Does the author consider different points of view about his/her working thesis?  In other words, does the author consider counterarguments?
  8. Does the author qualify his/her central idea?
  9. Which two features of the essay most need improvement?
  10. What do you most like about the essay?
Compare the essay (or sections of it) to the following.
  1. A color:_____________________________________________
  2. A flavor:____________________________________________
  3. A sound:____________________________________________
  4. A motion:___________________________________________
  5. An odor:____________________________________________
  6. An emotion:_________________________________________
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